klasik yara bakım yöntemleri

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klasik yara bakım yöntemleri
traditional wound care methods
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Phonetic: "/tɹəˈdɪʃnəl/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A person with traditional beliefs.

Definition: Short for traditional Chinese.

Definition: Short for traditional art.

Definition: Short for traditional grip.

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Phonetic: "/tɹəˈdɪʃnəl/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Of, relating to, or derived from tradition.

Example: I think her traditional values are antiquated.

Definition: Communicated from ancestors to descendants by word only.

Example: traditional expositions of the Scriptures.

Definition: Observant of tradition; attached to old customs; old-fashioned.

Definition: In lieu of the name of the composer of a piece of music, whose real name is lost in the mists of time.

Definition: Relating to traditional Chinese.

Example: The traditional form of the character has twice as many strokes as the simplified form.

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Phonetic: "/wuːnd/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: An injury, such as a cut, stab, or tear, to a (usually external) part of the body.

Definition: A hurt to a person's feelings, reputation, prospects, etc.

Example: It took a long time to get over the wound of that insult.

Definition: An injury to a person by which the skin is divided or its continuity broken.

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Phonetic: "/wuːnd/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To hurt or injure (someone) by cutting, piercing, or tearing the skin.

Example: The police officer wounded the suspect during the fight that ensued.

Definition: To hurt (a person's feelings).

Example: The actor's pride was wounded when the leading role went to his rival.

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Phonetic: "/kɛə/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Grief, sorrow.

Definition: Close attention; concern; responsibility.

Example: Care should be taken when holding babies.

Definition: Worry.

Example: I don't have a care in the world.

Definition: Maintenance, upkeep.

Example: dental care

Definition: The treatment of those in need (especially as a profession).

Definition: The state of being cared for by others.

Example: in care

Definition: The object of watchful attention or anxiety.

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Phonetic: "/ˈmɛθədz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A process by which a task is completed; a way of doing something (followed by the adposition of, to or for before the purpose of the process):

Example: If one method doesn't work, you should ask a friend to help you.

Definition: (often "the method") A technique for acting based on the ideas articulated by Constantin Stanislavski and focusing on authentically experiencing the inner life of the character being portrayed.

Definition: A subroutine or function belonging to a class or object, synonym of member function

Definition: Marijuana.

Definition: An instruction book systematically arranged.

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Phonetic: "/ˈmɛθədz/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To apply a method

Definition: (casting, by extension) to apply particular treatment methods to a mold

Example: The company employs extensive use of 3D modelling combined with solidification simulation to ensure that critical castings are properly methoded.

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Phonetic: "/ˈmɛθədz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A trick where the boarder grabs the heel edge of the board with their back hand, between their feet, and then pulls the board towards their back, while arching their back and bending knees.

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