llevar linda ropa

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llevar linda ropa
dressed to the nines
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Phonetic: "/ˈdɹɛst/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To fit out with the necessary clothing; to clothe, put clothes on (something or someone).

Example: He was dressed in the latest fashions.

Definition: To clothe oneself; to put on clothes.

Example: I rose and dressed before daybreak.  It's very cold out. Dress warm.

Definition: To put on the uniform and equipment necessary to play the game.

Example: Due to a left ankle sprain, Kobe Bryant did not dress for the game against Indiana

Definition: Of a man, to allow the genitals to fall to one side or other within the trousers.

Example: Does sir dress to the right or the left?

Definition: To prepare (food) for cooking, especially by seasoning it.

Definition: To prepare oneself; to make ready.

Definition: To adorn, ornament.

Example: It was time to dress the windows for Christmas again.

Definition: To ornament (a ship) by hoisting the national colours at the peak and mastheads, and setting the jack forward; when "dressed full", the signal flags and pennants are added.

Definition: To prepare (a set) by installing the props, scenery, etc.

Definition: To treat (a wound, or wounded person).

Definition: To prepare for use; to fit for any use; to render suitable for an intended purpose; to get ready.

Example: to dress leather or cloth;  to dress a garden;  to dress grain, by cleansing it;  in mining and metallurgy, to dress ores, by sorting and separating them

Definition: To prepare the surface of (a material; usually stone or lumber).

Definition: To manure (land).

Definition: To bolt or sift flour.

Definition: (sometimes imperative) To arrange in exact continuity of line, as soldiers; commonly to adjust to a straight line and at proper distance; to align.

Example: Right, dress!

Definition: To break and train for use, as a horse or other animal.

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Phonetic: "/ˈdɹɛst/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Having been subjected to a preparatory process or treatment; treated, prepared.

Definition: Prepared for eating, especially by the addition of specific condiments or dressing.

Definition: Wearing clothes; attired (now often with qualifying word).

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Phonetic: "/tʉː/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Toward a closed, touching or engaging position.

Example: Please push the door to.

Definition: Into the wind.

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Phonetic: "/tʉː/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Indicating destination: In the direction of, and arriving at.

Example: We are walking to the shop.

Definition: Used to indicate the target or recipient of an action.

Example: He devoted himself to education.

Definition: Used to indicate result of action.

Example: His face was beaten to a pulp.

Definition: Used to indicate a resulting feeling or emotion.

Example: To everyone's great relief, the tuneless carol singers finally ceased their warbling.

Definition: Used after an adjective to indicate its application.

Example: similar to ..., relevant to ..., pertinent to ..., I was nice to him, he was cruel to her, I am used to walking.

Definition: Denotes the end of a range.

Example: It takes 2 to 4 weeks to process typical applications.

Definition: As a.

Example: With God to friend (with God as a friend);   with The Devil to fiend (with the Devil as a foe);   lambs slaughtered to lake (lambs slaughtered as a sacrifice);   took her to wife (took her as a wife);   was sold to slave (was sold as a slave).

Definition: Used to indicate a ratio or comparison.

Example: I have ten dollars to your four.

Definition: Used to indicate that the preceding term is to be raised to the power of the following value; indicates exponentiation.

Example: Three squared or three to the second power is nine.

Definition: (time) Preceding.

Example: ten to ten = 9:50; We're going to leave at ten to (the hour).

Definition: Used to describe what something consists of or contains.

Example: Anyone could do this job; there's nothing to it.

Definition: At.

Example: Stay where you're to and I'll come find you, b'y.

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Phonetic: "/ði/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: With a comparative or with more and a verb phrase, establishes a correlation with one or more other such comparatives.

Example: It looks weaker and weaker, the more I think about it.

Definition: With a comparative, and often with for it, indicates a result more like said comparative. This can be negated with none. See none the.

Example: I'm much the wiser for having had a difficult time like that.

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The digit or figure 9.

Definition: A playing card with nine pips.

Definition: A nine-millimeter semi-automatic pistol.

Definition: (usually in the plural) A statistical unit of proportion (of reliability, purity, etc.).

Example: They guaranteed that our Web site would have 99.99% uptime, or four nines.

Definition: A baseball club, team, or lineup (composed of nine players).

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A pair of nines.

Example: He drew nines from the deck.

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